2016年度中国两化融合杰出应用奖“科华蓄电池荣获”日前,2017(第六届)中国信息化和工业化融合发展高峰论坛在京举行,受邀的信息化专家与制造企业代表就“互联网与工业的深度融合之道”进行分享研讨。主办方e-works数字化企业网同期举办第十四届中国两化融合岁末盘点评选活动,厦门科华蓄电池股份有限公司的信息化案例“MES系统助力科华恒盛智能制造转型”荣膺2016年度中国两化融合杰出应用奖。 Recently, 2017 (Sixth) China Informatization and Industrialization Development Summit Forum held in Beijing, invited information technology experts and manufacturing representatives on the "Internet and industry in-depth integration of the Road" to share the discussion. Organizers e-works digital enterprise network held the same period the fourteenth session of the two fusion of the end of the year inventory selection activities, Xiamen Kehua Battery Co., Ltd. information case "MES system help Kehua Hengsheng intelligent manufacturing transformation" won the 2016 Chinese integration of the two outstanding applications Award. 近年来,随着我国制造业数字化、网络化、智能化发展步伐的加快,一系列促进互联网与制造业融合重大措施的出台,制造业与互联网的融合逐渐深化。其间,中国制造业涌现出一批优秀的两化融合应用案例。 In recent years, with the industrialization of China's digital, network, intelligent pace of development, a series of promotion of Internet and manufacturing integration of major measures introduced, manufacturing and Internet integration gradually deepened. Meanwhile, China's manufacturing industry emerged a group of outstanding integration of the two application cases. 在电力电子领域,科华蓄电池拥有29年的研发制造经验。相较同行,科华恒盛的竞争优势体现在高端制造和定制化,其中智能制造是公司实现高端制造的必要手段。 In the field of power electronics, Kehua Hengsheng has 29 years of R & D and manufacturing experience. Compared with peers, Kehua Hengsheng's competitive advantage is reflected in the high-end manufacturing and customization, in which intelligent manufacturing is the necessary means to achieve high-end manufacturing companies. 科华蓄电池智能制造建设主要依托精益生产管理系统(KPS),融合信息技术、先进制造技术、自动化技术和人工智能技术。通过对客户需求、产品研发、产品设计、制造过程、产品交付、质量追溯和服务全生命周期进行重点监控和效能分析改进,实现精益生产,对企业业务流程和工艺流程进行梳理与优化。同时,实时采集生产数据、质量数据、设备状态数据,进行智能分析。 The following are the same as the " Kehua battery intelligent manufacturing and construction mainly rely on lean production management system (KPS), integration of information technology, advanced manufacturing technology, automation technology and artificial intelligence technology. Through the customer demand, product development, product design, manufacturing process, product delivery, quality traceability and service life cycle focus on monitoring and performance analysis to improve, to achieve lean production, business processes and process to sort out and optimize. At the same time, real-time collection of production data, quality data, equipment status data, intelligent analysis. 制造执行系统(MES)处于上接计划(ERP)、下接自动化设备的执行层面,其价值在于优化工艺流程、改善产品质量、降低能源损耗、减少库存、降低成本等。MES系统助力科华恒盛实现了智能制造转型,打造出具有综合竞争优势及科华恒盛特色的卓越供应链。 The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is in the next level of implementation (ERP), followed by the implementation of automation equipment, its value is to optimize the process, improve product quality, reduce energy consumption, reduce inventory, reduce costs. MES system to help Kehua Hengsheng to achieve a smart manufacturing transformation, to create a comprehensive competitive advantage and Kehua Hengsheng characteristics of the excellent supply chain. 中国信息化和工业化融合发展高峰论坛是国内两化融合领域最具影响力的专业论坛之一,由国家认证首批两化融合贯标服务机构e-works数字化企业网主办。“中国两化融合岁末盘点”评选活动至今已连续举办十四届,是国内两化融合领域的权威奖项。 China's information technology and industrialization of the development of the Summit Forum is the integration of the two areas of the most influential professional forum, one of the first batch of national certification by the integration of two-dimensional service organization e-works digital enterprise network. "China's two-year integration of the end of the year inventory" contest has been held for 14 consecutive years, is the integration of the two areas of the authority of the award. |