全球互联网技术大会见证科华蓄电池-----天地祥云的融合焕新互联网技术大会见证科华蓄电池-----天地祥云的融合焕新,与广州国际金融交易博览会同期举行,全球互联网技术大会(GITC)上海站同样聚焦信息技术。针对华东区域客户需求,业界领先的高安全云服务提供商科华蓄电池&天地祥云在本站会议上,特别推介了以上海云立方数据中心等为核心的华东数据中心集群以及TopVaaS视频会议、TopWAN SDN组网等新产品。 Global Internet Technology Conference to witness the integration of Kehua battery ----- heaven and earth clouds rejuvenation
And the Guangzhou International Financial Trade Fair held at the same time, the global Internet Technology Conference (GITC) Shanghai station also focused on information technology. In order to meet the needs of customers in East China, the industry's leading high-security cloud service provider Kehua battery and heaven and earth in the site of the meeting, in particular, to promote the Shanghai cloud cube data center as the core of the East China data center cluster and TopVaaS video conferencing, TopWAN SDN Networking and other new products. The same time as the above-
GITC是专注互联网技术交流与商务合作的专业会议,上海站会议内容聚焦互联网技术领域的最新技术成果和未来发展趋势,针对devops、智能运维、基础架构、微服务、云计算、容器应用、效率优化、网络安全、大数据应用和人工智能等领域,分享互联网核心技术信息和最具前瞻性的行业观点。科华蓄电池 GITC is a professional conference focused on Internet technology exchange and business cooperation. The conference is focused on the latest technological achievements and future trends in Internet technology. It is aimed at devops, intelligent operation and maintenance, infrastructure, micro service, cloud computing, container application, efficiency Optimization, network security, large data applications and artificial intelligence and other fields, to share the Internet core technology information and the most forward-looking industry point of view. 在本站会议上,科华恒盛的数据中心基础设施解决方案与天地祥云领先的云服务解决方案方案进行了无缝整合,为IDC客户带来了全新的选择。 At the conference, Kehua Hengsheng's data center infrastructure solutions seamlessly integrated with Sky Cloud's leading cloud services solutions, giving IDC customers a whole new choice. 位于上海市北高新区的云立方数据中心可以视为科华恒盛自建大型云计算中心的样板项目,建筑面积21000㎡,可提供4100个机柜,整体建设符合Tier 3+标准,属于独立第三方运营的数据中心。 The cloud cube data center located in Shanghai North High-tech Zone can be regarded as a model project of Kehua Hengsheng's own large-scale cloud computing center. The construction area is 21,000 square meters, which can provide 4100 cabinets. The overall construction conforms to the Tier 3+ standard and is an independent third party operation Of the data center. The same time as the above- 通过资源整合,科华恒盛&天地祥云已建成以云立方数据中心、云谷苏州数据中心、苏州电信金鸡湖数据中心、杭州下沙数据中心为核心的华东数据中心集群。在全国,包括华东、华南、华北、西南在内的四大数据中心集群也已形成。 The same time as the above- Through the integration of resources, Kehua Hengsheng & heaven and earth cloud has been built to cloud cube data center, cloud valley Suzhou data center, Suzhou Telecom Jinji Lake data center, Hangzhou Xiasha data center as the core of the East China data center cluster. In the country, including East China, South China, North China, Southwest, including the four major data center cluster has also been formed. The same time as the above-
科华蓄电池&天地祥云数据中心网络战略布局 凭借8年以上的数据中心运营服务经验,科华恒盛&天地祥云团队正在为互联网、金融、政府等行业客户提供7×24小时的专业技术支持及维护、管理、监测等增值服务。 在会场的体验区,科华恒盛&天地祥云还特别展出旗下首款企业级SaaS服务产品——TopVaaS视频会议系统,其即插即用、画质清晰的优势吸引了许多专业观众的驻足咨询。 Kehua Hengsheng & Tianyi Xiangyun data center network strategy layout With more than 8 years of experience in data center operations, Kehua Hengsheng & Tianyi Xiangyun team is providing 7 × 24 hours of professional technical support and maintenance, management and monitoring value-added services for Internet, finance and government customers. In the experience area of the venue, Kehua Hengsheng & Tianyi Xiangyun also exhibited its first enterprise SaaS service products - TopVaaS video conferencing system, its plug and play, clear picture of the advantages of attracting a lot of professional audience stop advisory. The same time as the above-
与传统视频会议产品相比,TopVaaS部署成本低且无需购买昂贵的MCU设备。使用十分便利,即插(装)即用,同时支持移动端、PC端,支持级联SIP/H.323协议下的视频会议系统,有效的控制、降低成本,真正让用户体验到Video as a Service(视频即服务)。 此外,通过与科华恒盛&天地祥云的TopWAN SDN组网产品的组合使用,一并解决、优化了跨国视频会议延时卡顿等问题。 产品与解决方案直抵客户的需求,这是高安全云服务提供商科华恒盛&天地祥云要为客户创造的价值。 The same time as the above- TopVaaS deployment costs are low and do not require expensive MCU devices compared to traditional video conferencing products. Easy to use, plug and play, while supporting the mobile side, PC side, support cascade SIP / H.323 protocol under the video conferencing system, effective control, reduce costs, and truly allow users to experience Video as a Service (Video as a Service). In addition, through the combination with Kehua Hengsheng & heaven and earth clouds of TopWAN SDN networking products, together to solve and optimize the cross-video conference delay card board and other issues. Products and solutions to the needs of customers, which is high security cloud service provider Kehua Hengsheng & heaven and earth clouds to create value for customers. 在开幕当晚举行的“GITC PARTY”欢迎晚宴上,科华恒盛&天地祥云受邀参加并致开场辞。天地祥云副总裁欧阳江涛先生向出席晚宴的企业发出合作邀请,寄望未来在IDC、云计算等领域能有更加深入的合作和探讨。 On the opening day of the "GITC PARTY" welcome dinner, Kehua Hengsheng & heaven and earth clouds were invited to participate and opening remarks. Mr. Ouyang Jiangtao, Vice President of Tianyi Xiangyun sent a warm invitation to discuss the future of IDC, cloud computing and other fields. The same time as the above- 天地祥云副总裁欧阳江涛(左二)在晚宴上致辞。 自今年厦门科华恒盛股份有限公司完成对北京天地祥云科技有限公司的并购后,双方的资源整合进展顺利,达到了并购前所预期的优势互补,这在本次联合参展上得到验证。 Vice President of Heaven and Earth Ouyang Jiang Tao (second from left) at the dinner speech. Since this year, Xiamen Kehua Hengsheng Co., Ltd. completed the acquisition of Beijing Tiandi Xiangyun Technology Co., Ltd., the two sides of the integration of resources progress smoothly, to achieve the pre-merger advantages of complementary, which in this joint exhibition has been verified. |